LA quartet DreamVacation sound just how their name suggests. With dreamy instrumentals and vocals and lyrics to match, their new three song EP is a very easy and captivating listen. We had the chance to chat with the band recently about what the EP means to them, the stories and meanings behind the songs, and their inspiring hometown of Los Angeles. Read the entire interview and stream the EP below.
Interview by Dom Vigil
Can you tell us a little bit about DreamVacation, for any readers who may not be familiar?
We are an LA based alternative quartet. We are Ray Silva on vocals and guitar, Noah Alexander on drums, Morgan Terrinoni on guitar, and Gerry Matthews on bass. We just released our self-titled three song EP. It is our initial release and was produced by John Rausch, engineer and track architect for such acts as Florence and the Machine, Foxes, and Taylor Swift.
Let’s talk about your self-titled EP. What do these three songs mean to you?
They mean that we made it. We made it through the breakups, the living out of our rehearsal space and cars, marriages falling apart, family deaths and numerous other ups and downs… We made it through, we supported one another, and we completed the first group of songs that we felt expressed the direction that we want to go both musically and creatively. It was a really difficult period of time for all of us but we’re here and we’re stronger for having had the opportunity to go through those experiences.
Being only three songs in length, what did you want to be able to accomplish with the EP? Were there any stories that you wanted to tell?
This is our initial release as DreamVacation. Being the first culmination of songs we wanted to release to the world, we really were hoping to accomplish just that, to introduce ourselves with songs that we were proud of. With all that we’ve been through in the last 4-5 years, getting to this point has been a bit of accomplishment of it’s own. We kind of have an ongoing theme with all of our music, a sci-fi love story. Whether the songs are hitting more on love or sci-fi, we leave that up to the listener to make of it what they will.
How do you feel that you’ve grown as both musicians and people with these three songs?
Previous to this EP we had been a band called Atlantic Line. Our guitarist was unable to continue with us. We had lost an integral part of our group and were forced to evolve or make the decision to part ways. We essentially had to relearn to write as a group from scratch. We also decided that while we wanted to maintain the more atmospheric and expansive aspects of Atlantic Line, we were looking to create something a bit more accessible. We believe that as we grow as people we grow as musicians and vice versa. Through our personal struggles we have been given the opportunity to learn patience, to find strength when we thought there was none left, and to be supportive of whatever each other needs to go through. All of these characteristics make for a better songwriting process. It has not been easy but the reward is that we still love and support one another and feel we are writing better together than ever before.
Being based out of LA, how do you feel the city shaped or influenced the EP?
We take a lot from the natural world, we appreciate and enjoy the parks and trees and the gardens and the ocean, but the never escaping part is all of the power lines and wires, the metal, all the moving parts. LA is such a juxtaposition of opposing landscapes. One minute your driving through a really upscale area and the next you find yourself on 6th Ave passing the inner city refugee camps of the homeless. Those two are pretty extreme ends of the pendulum but we definitely think those and everything in between influence our process. We try not to close our eyes to any of it. All of those aspects are in our music, some parts are completely organic and peaceful while others are more manipulated and amplified.
What would you like to be able to bring to the LA music scene?
The LA scene has so much to offer and is really steeped with great music right now. I follow Kevin Bronson and his team from BuzzbandsLA and he tips me off to the best music throughout the city on a daily basis. There’s not a week that goes by without something worth checking out. We’d like to create an environment for listeners to escape their daily tribulations and open their minds to the world of the self. We’d like to bring a breath of something fresh but familiar, something sharp but undefined, inspiration to get the ideas out of the head and to become the possibilities.
What would you like listeners to be able to take away from your music or live performances?
We hope to inspire people to think and see things differently than they normally do. And maybe even remember things they thought they forgot. To feel more connected to one another and sense that there is more kindness available than it seems.
What plans or goals do you have for 2016? What would you like to be able to accomplish this year?
We want to keep the momentum going, keep expanding, writing, recording. For 2016 specifically, we’d like to expand the team of people that genuinely believe in what we are doing in efforts to create self sustainability through music.
What’s next for DreamVacation?
More immediately, we are going into the studio in the next couple weeks to record a few more tracks. Our sound is still evolving and our goal is to keep everything as real time as possible. That way, as individuals and as a group, we are closer personally and emotionally to where our latest releases are musically.
We also just sat down to discuss our first video release which will likely be for the song Press Play from our current EP. We are very excited to be a part of the creative process with this one so we will be sure to let everyone know when it is out.
Thank you for taking the time to chat with us! Is there anything else you’d like to add?
The name DreamVacation comes from our singer Ray Silva. He was experimenting with herbs and teas that are supposed to induce more of a lucid dream state. He wanted to be more aware of when he was dreaming so that he might have the control to allow himself the time to do all the stuff he didn’t have time or money for in the waking life. The idea was that he would essentially be on vacation when he goes to sleep. In essence, a dream vacation.
Also, it may be preferable listen to the songs while driving…and preferably close to sunrise or sunset. There’s just something romantic about the tones and melodies that pairs really well with the quiet calm. Those moments where you’re more open to connect to the possibilities.
Lastly, thank you for your time as well!