Joining the internationally-acclaimed Joey Sturgis Tonesfamily today is “Toneforge – Ben Bruce,” a uniquely-developed guitar tone plugin created by Sturgis and Asking Alexandria lead guitarist Ben Bruce.
This unprecedented Toneforge model combines elements from Asking Alexandria releases, as well as key features from Ben Bruce’s live setup. lt successfully re-creates the entire range heard on Asking Alexandria releases such as Stand Up and Scream, From Death to Destiny, and the latest single “I Won’t Give In.“
Hear “Toneforge – Ben Bruce” in action on “I Won’t Give In”:
“Toneforge – Ben Bruce” features include:
▪ Two channels – Rhythm and Clean
▪ Four effects – Overdrive, Stereo Delay, Rotary Chorus, Reverb
▪ Cab designed specifically to be the perfect pairing to the amp’s signature tone
▪ Four microphone options – Condenser, SM57, SM57 Off Axis, 421
▪ Sturgis’ uniquely designed mixing DSP to go from direct input to final mix
▪ Fully automatable for a vast array of guitar tone options
▪ Built-in Chromatic Tuner
Ben Bruce had this to say about the plugin:
“I love how versatile it is. Guitarists who use this product will not be limited to any one particular genre. You can go all out heavy and write riff after riff, or you can dial it back and play some tasty blues licks. The clean channel is superb and is capable of delivering crystal clear, crisp tones or can be dirtied up enough to still sound clean and soft but provide players with the grit and balls reminiscent of early Jimmy Page licks.”
Joey Sturgis also commented on the stellar new product:
“I was able to take my favorite elements from working with Ben and Asking Alexandria and put them together into this special Toneforge model. Huge rhythm tone, tight overdrive, and great effects for leads and ambient type material!”
Toneforge – Ben Bruce can be purchased today from joeysturgistones.com.