Sky Whtite of theatrical rock band Foxy Shazam has just launched a brand new creative project – Wendigo Tea Co. White developed a love for tasting and experiencing premium-quality tea while touring the world with Foxy. When he returned to his hometown of Cincinnati, Sky set out to share his passion for fine teas with novices and enthusiasts alike.
After sampling hundreds of teas and experimenting with various brewing methods and concoctions, White hand-picked a small selection of delicious high-grade teas and easy-to-use brewing systems. Despite being a small, independent company, Wendigo Tea Co. is growing rapidly through a thriving online storefront, selective retail positioning and inclusion on the menus of several fine dining establishments.
White embraces high-quality tea like many have begun to embrace craft beer. “I started with tea just like everybody else. I drank whatever came in tea bags and bought something that looked cute on the shelf,” he says. “Once I started traveling all the time and going into tea shops, I started having an appreciation for the actual flavors of good tea, instead of the flavors that people add into tea.”
On a mission to revolutionize the tea industry from the ground up, White sees a burgeoning tea-drinking market in young adults who appreciate authentic experiences and high-quality products. “Our generation identifies with good beverages and good foods. When you care about something, you really care about trying a lot of different variations of it.”
Wendigo Tea Co. currently features three rare and ridiculously high-grade craft teas, each of which embodies the mysterious essence of a cryptozoological namesake. Packaged in big black canisters with bold hand-drawn art, memorable brands like Bigfoot Black and Wendigo Green look like nothing else on your tea shelf. With premium-quality products and a fearless new marketing strategy, Sky White’s Wendigo Tea Co. is set to turn the tea world on its head.
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