LA indie-folk outfit MAGIC GIANT have released the first installment of “The Bunker Sessions,” featuring a live performance of their widely embraced single “Set on Fire” in a 1940s bomb shelter converted into a recording studio. The high-energy trio has seemingly come out of nowhere in 2015 – selling out shows in LA (Troubadour), New York (Mercury Lounge), San Francisco, (Brick & Mortar), and several other cities, landing features on Spotify’s New Music (then) Tuesday and Billboard’s ‘Artist on the Verge,’ and catching the ear of NPR – who claims the band “has a summer festival anthem on its hands.”
Magic Giant will release their official music video for “Set on Fire” at the top of 2016, and fans can plan to catch the band playing regionally on the West Coast regularly. “Set on Fire” can be purchased on iTunes HERE.
For more information on Magic Giant, be sure to follow the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Soundcloud.