Born and raised in Charlotte, NC, the 16 year old singer/songwriter, Brooke Hummel is ready to make a name for herself in 2016 with the release of her newest single, “Cruel.” As a young teen traveling through her high school years, Brooke has collected every instance, encounter, and struggle with bullying in this very raw, delicate, and personal new single. “Cruel” fleshes out every emotional bullying encounter that she has faced and turned it in to a song to help other teens face bullies head on. Today, Brooke has exclusively partnered with TWIST Magazine to unveil the track and provide tips and tricks for other teens that are bullied. Check out the song here!
Along with this breathtaking and intimate song, Brooke will be hosting a “Stop, Block, Tell” teen summit in her hometown this spring. The intuitive event will allow local teens to tackle bullying head on with unique skits, poems, powerful talks, and more. Teens that are interested in participating can head to stopblocktell.orgnow to learn more.