Retro rock band The Soft White Sixties have released their bilingual new single, “Brick By Brick“/”Piedra A Piedra.” The unifying track can be heard in both English and Spanish below, and marks the first of many bilingual singles that the band plans to release in 2018.
The very topic of the song is Trump’s proposed wall between the two countries. Not wanting to be political, but demanding of themselves a certain amount of honesty and transparency, frontman Octavio Genera, a first generation Mexican-American, wrote what was on his mind: “If you build a wall / we’re going to tear it down / brick by brick.”
“Our first night in the studio was Election Night, so naturally that environment crept onto this record,” Genera reflects. “It was hard not to take some offense to someone claiming that a wall and the people on the other side of that wall were the cause of so many problems. The song is my version of my grandparents coming here to better themselves and their children, and I’m thankful they did. I am here, and I am who I am because of it.”