LA trio Charming Liars have released the music video for their latest single “Insomnia.” The video is the band’s first installment of their high-quality, three-part short movie directed by the acclaimed Phillip Lopez (Cold War Kids, Kygo, Selena Gomez) and starring Amanda Booth, Playboy’s 2014 Miss February.
To accompany their widescreen musical palette, Kiliyan Maguire, Karnig Manoukian, and Mike Kruger have produced a palpable, powerful story of a love triangle, complete with captivating imagery and graphic visuals of drug use, sex, and violence. Not merely accompanying “Insomnia’s” entrancing synths and energetic guitars, the video offers a unique perspective and a deeper interpretation of the song’s themes. Watch it now below.
“For this particular piece, it was really important to avoid the glamorization of any of these elements,” explains Kiliyan. “We showed the surreal side of all this. There’s definitely a statement in there. It was the most nitty, gritty thing we could make.”