Musical duo, Aly & AJ recently returned after a 10 year musical hiatus, with their new track, “Take Me“, and the accompanying visuals produced by visionary director and screenwriter Alex Ross Perry (Listen Up Philip, Queen of Earth), with cinematography from the talented Sean Price Williams (Good Time). Today, the duo have arrived with their staggering next installment, “I Know“, a glittering ode to friendship. From the opening moments, we’re greeted with effortless vocals layered over saccharine synths that build to a climactic finish, complete with booming 80’s-inspired 808 drums. Listen to the song now below.
Both the melody and the lyrical narrative of “I Know” are steeped in a wistful nostalgia – Aly and AJ explain the meaning behind the song – “This song was written a few days after we found out an acquaintance from our past had lost his battle with cancer. After seeing such an outcry of love & support from his close friends and family we decided to write something dedicated to friendship and the commitment we are all capable of giving when someone needs us most.”
“I Know” is the second song from their forthcoming EP, “Ten Years,” due for release November 17, 2017, their first musical release in a decade. Their new direction is startlingly honest and a bold statement sonically. With their signature sound at the core of each track, the duo have experimented with wistful synths and breathy vocals that are teaming with a restless energy that is impossible to ignore.