As badXchannels’ mastermind Craig Owens continues his musical metamorphosis of the more experimental side of rhythm-based alternative music, he has tapped friend and fellow musician Trent Clark of alt-rock band RadioDriveBy to join in the evolution. “Trent’s a close friend, who’s been on a similar path in life,” explains Craig. “We spend our days trying to make sense of it all, and when making music it kind of all becomes one thing. The collaboration allows for a focus of purity and expression when creating. It’s nice to be able to let go of control, it’s exciting, and makes me want to make music again.”
Adds Trent: “The meeting of our minds was such an organic experience, and I think that lends itself to the music we’ve been making. I had played a show with Craig awhile back, and he asked if I’d ever be interested in doing some writing together. From there we just started jamming out on a pretty consistent basis, and then *boom* here we are now! It’s been a great ride so far. The universe has a funny way of putting you in the right place, at the right times.”
As the product of their collaboration, badXchannels have released the new video for “Memory”. The video was filmed in Sedona, Arizona by Swiss director John Osterman, offering an atmospheric and cinematic glimpse inside which Altpress describes as the “slow-evolving, late-night-listening grooves of badXchanels.”
“One of the songs we’ve done together that I am super proud of is ‘Memory’, which was a really great experience composing together,” Trent says. “I love working with Craig because he is very driven and passionate about making great music. When we write together, we never know what we are going to come up with, which is really exciting.”
In addition, badXchannels have announced a trio of Texas shows in May with the ethereal Fifty Grand and the experimentally ambient Eastghost.
May 18th – Austin, TX @ Sidewinder
May 19th – Dallas, TX @ Prophet Bar
May 20th – Houston, TX @ Houston Undrgrnd
“I know we’ve got a bunch of stuff that you’ll be hearing in the future that I am excited to share with the world,” explains Craig. “We’ve been super inspired by all sorts of ethereal, dark, and raw sounds as of late, and have been especially inspired by movie scoring and sound design. We keep a very open mind to music, and draw inspiration from an eclectic mix. The new stuff to come will definitely speak for itself!”