morgxn and Nicholas Petricca frontman of alt-pop band Walk The Moon’s collaborative journey continues in the form of a gorgeous stripped down rendition of the hit anthem “home,” complete with a 5 piece choir. Filmed and recorded in VEVO’s New York studios, this VEVO session can be seen now below.
morgxn’s dynamic duet with frontman Nicholas Petricca is currently #24 on the alternative radio charts and is accompanied by a visually stunning video HERE, directed by Morgan Freed (Ride or Cry) and produced by Lara Mendizza. Premiered by NYLON HERE, they state “It’s as if Nicholas Petricca was meant to be on this track all along.“
morgxn and Walk The Moon frontman Nicholas Petricca sang “home” for the first time live at morgxn’s Lollapalooza debut performance earlier this summer and decided to go into the studio to turn it into an official collaboration.
morgxn about “home”:
“home is a feeling you get when you’re with the people that understand you completely. it’s not always family – sometimes it’s a lifelong journey to find the places and spaces where you feel most yourself. joshua tree has always been a place i come back to. it’s one of the only places where the silence is so loud you don’t need to overthink it.”
WALK THE MOON’s nick about “home”:
“When i first heard morgxn’s voice, first experienced his music, i knew instantly he was one of my all-time favorite artists. That was the night we met, when he was morgan-with-an-“a”, and he was just sharing some demos he’d been working on. I was mesmerized by his angelic tone and his courageous ability to go deeply, darkly vulnerable.
“home” is one of those first ideas he shared with me, and today i get to be a part of it with WALK THE MOON. This song is one of those universal stories to which any human being can relate. Personally it reminds me of the new home i’m seeking to create for myself, the one without parents or training wheels, where I can feel strong on my own.”