Singer-songwriter Corey Harper has released his new track “Don’t Hate Me”. Listen to the track now below.
On “Don’t Hate Me”, the Topanga-based troubadour uncovers an era-spanning style of his own at the crossroads of traditional folk songcraft, impressive guitarwork, bluesy gusto, and 21st century pop adventurousness. Harper sifts through a lifetime of influences in order to assemble a vibrant, vivid, and vital vision.
Of the track, he said, “I started out by making a lot of Americana folk rock, but I really wanted to explore new sounds. For the first time, the new music reflects everything—from what inspired me to be a musician and a guitar player in the first place such as Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Jackson Browne to artists I’ve just discovered in recent years. There are those songwriter elements as well as the modern nuances.”