Genre-blurring hard dance producer, Kutski is making his debut appearance on Basscon Records with a chaotic shapeshifting single, “Let Me Tell You“. Listen to the track now below.
Having built an acclaimed reputation for harnessing chameleonic-like characteristics in the studio, UK-based producer Kutski continues to shock-and-awe with a discography that allows him to flit between a wide array of harder genres. His latest creation “Let Me Tell You” is an epic showcase of his sonic fluidity as an artist. Storming out with a vocal hook reassuring the listener that this place is exactly where they belong, Kutski weaves in a quick jab of mellifluous keys and synth stabs before unleashing the pummeling force of the monstrous kicks, screeching progressions, ascending arps, and uplifting chords. The call-and-response from the lead keeps you on your toes, while the energy shifts seamlessly take place right beneath your feet via clever switch-ups that prove he’s impossible to slap a label on.
“Having such a diverse style as a DJ makes it hard capture my sound in production sometimes,” says Kutski. “However, I feel ‘Let Me Tell You’ represents all my loves within the harder styles in a 5-minute chaotic journey through hard beats!”