Digital Ethos is touching back down on the Bassrush Records catalog with his second release, “Junkrat.” Listen to the track now below.
The emerging talent from New Jersey made his first appearance on the imprint back in May, when he emptied the clip with his brain-rattling creation, “E352.” His label debut was dripping with fuzzy, speaker-warping funk that gave heads a peek inside the brain of the project’s mastermind, Charles Quigley. Now that a few months have gone by, Digital Ethos has his follow-up release locked and loaded, as he lays down some explosive charges in the same vein as one of his favorite characters from a wildly successful first-person shooter game that everyone knows and loves.
“I feel that playing video games is one of my biggest sources of musical inspiration, and has made appearances in my music on many occasions,” says Digital Ethos. “My new single is based on a character from one of my favorite games, ‘Overwatch.’ A brief description of overwatch: This is a team-based shooter with various game modes. It is worldly popular for its aggressive, fast pace nature, which requires an intense level of strategy and teamwork. ‘Junkrat’ is a highly destructive, manic, and versatile attack player that launches grenades, and remote detonated mines, while also wreaking havoc by leaving bear traps, and clusters of mini grenades in his path. When reaching his ultimate level, he transforms into a spiked wheel that deals a fatal amount of damage with a high blast radius. Not only is he one of my favorite characters, he has arguably the best vocal samples. After finding a website that had every single Junkrat phrase, one liner, scream, laugh, etc. I knew I had to make a song out of it.”
He peppers in vocal samples from the fictitious demolitionist, warping and echoing them out over beefy plucks of bass. Off-kilter stabs and textures sit in the periphery of the piece, striking sporadically until Digital Ethos throws down a wonky and grimace-inducing low-end that hits with a lean seemingly made for gangsters in outer space. The bottom frequencies keep things frisky, while doing most of the heavy lifting of this ballistic dubstep joint. It’s a nasty chunk of left-field bass that will give you a newfound level of respect the next time you fire up that gaming console and hit the battlefield.