In the wake of his recent debut appearance on Bassrush Records, helloworld has released his explosive follow-up single “dive in.” The new track follows the aggressive tones set on “warning signs,” the release that helloworld kicked down for the Bassrush crew in February, proving that he is certainly a multifaceted artist. Breaking away from his signature melodic, emotion-stirring songwriting, “dive in” showcases plenty of diversity from the glitch-powered producer.
“When I was writing ‘dive in,’ I was trying to create a heavy and crazy sounding track through the lens of everything I want helloworld to be: glitchy, cool, playful, and colorful,” he says. “This is the result.”
After assessing the damage from these back-to-back singles, it’s undeniable that helloworld is capable of creating some brain-busting tracks right alongside the best of them.