Futuristic is blurring the lines between genres on his new single, “Gucci.” The explosive new track merges pop-punk and hip-hop in a way that feels incredibly fresh. Watch the video, which premiered today on All Punked Up below.
On the new single, Futuristic shared, “‘Gucci’ is based around the thought of paying $900 for shoes and living an extravagant lifestyle. It makes you want to dance, elevate your fashion, and also takes you down a rabbit hole of why people live above their means and invest in materialistic items.”
In honor of the new single, Futuristic is also holding a new and used shoe drive for homeless and children’s organizations. The collection is being held at Guest List in Tempe, Arizona. Additionally, he has decided to auction off the Gucci shoes worn in his new music video as well as some of his own personal collection to help raise further funds. For more information on Futuristic and his new single, visit http://onlyfuturistic.com/