Genre-defying Texas duo, MISSIO have released their lighthearted new single for “Easy” on their new lable home, Nettwerk. Inspired by that one thing or person that makes life simpler, the song meshes alternative sounds and futuristic synths for a fresh sound that makes you want to roll the windows down and light up. The track arrives just in time for summer. Listen to it now below.
“We all experience those moments where life can feel so good that it makes time temporarily stop for us. Maybe it’s the first time you look your partner in the eyes in the morning. Maybe it’s playing in the park with your children or your dogs. Or maybe it’s the meditative practice of lighting up a joint after a long day of work while overlooking a sunset. Whatever it is, we hope that you find that thing that makes you feel Easy, Easy, Easy,” reflects MISSIO.
MISSIO have also just announced their new EP I Am High will be released on August 25th. Tapping into complex human emotions, the forthcoming EP deals with how we cope and medicate ourselves to have a good time. It follows the release of their recent cinematic EP I Am Sad about processing your darkest moments and the feeling of depression.